EBC Insights

Mid-Year Check-In: How are Your Benefits Doing?

Mid-Year Check-In: How are Your Benefits Doing?

The year is halfway over, which means most benefit plan years are at their midpoint as well. With that in mind, it’s never too early to start preparing for next year to ensure benefit offerings are useful…

Open enrollment is over. Now what?

Open enrollment is over. Now what?

With open enrollment season in the rear-view mirror for most employers, benefits are out of sight and mind for most people until next open enrollment season. Employers often focus on benefit promotion immediately leading up to and during open enrollment.

Maximizing Benefit Accounts: Year-End Checklist

Maximizing Benefit Accounts: Year-End Checklist

With open enrollment season quickly approaching, it’s important to help your employees stay on top of their benefits with some timely reminders. There are several ways employees can maximize their benefits…

Designing a Benefit Plan to Meet Your Needs

Designing a Benefit Plan to Meet Your Needs

Designing a Benefit Plan to Meet Your Needs Benefit offerings have become increasingly important to help attract and retain employees in a time when people are flocking to new opportunities in unprecedented numbers. With the growing significance…