Mid-Year Takeovers

It’s time to change.

What is a mid-year takeover?

A mid-year takeover is when an employer transitions their benefit plan(s) to a new third party administrator outside of their open enrollment period or before their current plan year ends. Over the years, we’ve transferred HSA, FSA, and HRA administration for hundreds of organizations to give employers the service they need when they need it. Our time-tested processes ensure a seamless transition for our brokers and employers.

Why wait for change?

Why wait for open enrollment or the end of the plan year to change administration when you can do it now? A mid-year change allows employers to keep the benefit plan they’re already offering and switch to an administrator that better meets their needs. Now the employer no longer has to worry about transitioning their employee benefits when also preparing for open enrollment or planning for a new benefit year.

Mid-year takeovers allow you to focus on this transition outside of your busiest season. We know that open enrollment and the end of a plan year are busy enough without having to navigate changes to plan administration.

Setting up for success

At Employee Benefits Corporation, we provide the support of an experienced onboarding team that helps employers smoothly transition their benefit plans as well as dedicated Client Service Consultants who are familiar with plan transfers from start to finish. We have the processes in place, the system to accommodate what you need, and the experience to make transferring administration mid-year a success. It’s time to change.

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